verything in our universe is radiating energy, from the biggest mountain or ocean, to the tiniest blade of grass, to each individual cell in our body. All of our cells emit energy in different ways, and different cells will emit different kinds of energy depending on where they are located within the body and what their job is.
It should come as no surprise, then, that given the specialized nature of your body’s energy, there are several different channels located on key points of the body through which energy can flow in and out in a constant stream. These are called the chakras.
The word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit, though these are not like any wheels we’ve ever seen. Chakra energy spins in a clockwise direction as it moves the energy of our body out into the field around us, and it spins counterclockwise to pull energy from our external world (and the people in it) into our body. It is the frequency state of our chakras that determines the direction our energy will flow as they either draw energy into our body or release it outward.
“There are several different channels located on key points of the body through which energy can flow in and out in a constant stream.”
But are our chakras physical entities? Are they actual little wheels spinning in the seven key centers of our body? No. They are not made up of matter; they are energetic. But like the whirring blades of a fan, just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.
You might be wondering how we can know chakras exist if we can’t actually see them. It is a valid question, and one that science has not yet found a hard answer for. It was a bit of a leap for me as a science-minded person to make when I began learning about chakra healing. I’m a scientist, not a philosopher is the resistance my ego threw at me as I started to explore what was an entirely new frontier for me.
But while the concept of chakras was new for me (and still manages to evade scientific proof), it has existed for thousands of years and across cultures. It has been studied and demonstrated time and again in the Ayurvedic and yogic traditions, as well as through the Chinese concepts of qi and meridians, and it is something that I have “proven” to myself through my own experience and in my chakra healing work with my patients. The influence of our body’s energy, the life force that flows through us, and the power of the quantum field itself are things that our scientific capabilities have yet to catch up with. I do believe that we will get there eventually, but until then we can only rely on our experience and the teachings of others.