Chakras are energy centers, or portals in the human energy field. Located along the central line of the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head, they are conceived of as whirling, wheel-like vortices through which universal/cosmic energy flows into and out of a person.
There are seven major chakras, plus many minor ones. Each chakra corresponds to specific glands, organs, and facets of your being.
The first chakras chart gives you an overview. The second provides more details.
Chakra Chart 1: An Overview
Number | Common English Name | Location | Color | Element | Related To | Ideal Level of Functioning | |
1 | Root Chakra | Base of spine | Red | Earth | Physical self, self-preservation, survival instincts, connection to our bodies and the earth | Physical health, abundance, security, sense of ease in the world | |
2 | Sacral Chakra | Low abdomen, lower back, reproductive organs | Orange | Water | Sexuality, emotions, eroticism, pleasure, creativity, sensation | Sexual/erotic health and fulfillment, ease with change, creativity, generativity, grace, feeling, fluidity, balanced emotions | |
3 | Solar Plexus Chakra | Solar Plexus (upper abdomen between navel and sternum) | Yellow | Fire | Ego, will, metabolism, personal power | Personal power, will, effectiveness, personal energy | |
4 | Heart Chakra | Center of body at heart level | Green | Air | Love, integration, self-love, compassion, healing, relationships | Ability to feel compassion, love deeply; healthy intimate relationships | |
5 | Throat chakra | Base of throat | Light blue | Sound | Communication, self-expression, creativity | Ability to express self, manifest personal essence in the world, and communicate well; rich creative life | |
6 | Brow chakra, Third Eye | Forehead, between and slightly above eyebrows | Indigo | Light | Sight, both physical and intuitive/psychic; intellect | Clear thought, understanding, strong intuition, ability to see clearly | |
7 | Crown Chakra | Top of head | White or violet | Thought | Spiritual life and experience, deep self-knowledge, sense of oneness and unity, connection to the One, pure consciousness, transcendence | Wisdom, spiritual connection, spiritual understanding, sense of connection |
Chakra Chart 2: More Details About the Seven Chakras
Number | Common English Name | Hindu Name | Related Organs | Related Sound | Related Sense | |
1 | Root | Muladhara | Bones, tailbone, adrenal glands (according to some), legs, feet, colon | Lam | Smell | |
2 | Sacral | Svadhisthana | Sexual organs, bladder, prostate, womb, kidneys | Vam | Taste | |
3 | Solar Plexus | Manipura | Digestive organs and system, immune system (according to some), adrenal glands (according to some), muscles (according to some) | Ram | Sight | |
4 | Heart | Anahata | Lungs, thymus, heart, respiratory & cardiac systems, arms, hands | Yam | Touch | |
5 | Throat | Vishuddha | Throat/neck, mouth, ears, nose, sinuses, thyroid & parathyroid glands, shoulders, arms, hands | Ham | Hearing | |
6 | Brow, Third Eye | Ajna | Eyes, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, medulla plexus | Om | Neutral | |
7 | Crown | Sahasrara | Upper skull, cerebral cortex, pineal gland | Breath or silence | None |