Chakras are quite possibly one of the most fascinating aspects of the new age movement. Think about it, we are all composed of the same energetic matter as everything else found within our universe, so it only makes sense that we would have vortices located throughout our body to allow the passage of energy through.Chakras are quite possibly one of the most fascinating aspects of the new age movement. Think about it, we are all composed of the same energetic matter as everything else found within our universe, so it only makes sense that we would have vortices located throughout our body to allow the passage of energy through.
These portals, centers, or vortices, whatever you choose to call them, play an important role in our overall physical and emotional health. Beginning at the root of our spine, we have seven different energetic centers located down the base of our spine all the way up to the top of our head.
The term chakras are derived from the term chakra, which means ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit. We also have nadis or ethereal tubes that allow passage for prana to move throughout our body, similar to how blood flows through our veins. Of course, if the blood flow were stopped, havoc would follow, and the same concept applies for chakras.
In order to better understand where the chakras are located, you can take a look at the following infographic. Notice that the chakras begin at the base of the spine and then work their way up to the top of the head. Also notice how the colors mimic those of the rainbow, as this information will be helpful to remember.

So How Exactly Do Chakras Work?
Think of your chakras as balls or spinning vortices throughout the body. While the chakras aren’t physical manifestations, they are aspects of our consciousness that interact with the physical and energetic aspects of ourselves. Each chakra also corresponds, or is located along the endocrine system of the body and also with a particular group of nerves from our nervous system, called a plexus. Due to this, the chakras are very important and detrimental to our health.
For you see, each chakra corresponds to a physical portion of our body, and also to aspects of our consciousness. According to Conscious Lifestyle Mag, all of our senses, perceptions, and possible states of awareness can be divided into seven categories with each of these categories being associated with a particular chakra.
Now, to make things interesting, imagine that when you are feeling tension within your consciousness, how would that affect the rest of the chain? Typically, when we feel tension within our consciousness we also feel it in the chakra that is associated with that aspect of our consciousness. In turn, our physical body and energy body associated with that chakra. Basically, where you feel stress depends on why you feel the stress.
Think about it: when we are hurt by someone we love, we feel it in our heart. When we are feeling anxious, we begin to tremble and may even vomit. It is a cycle of energy, tension, chakra, system, and physical symptom.
To better understand, here are the chakras and the regions they govern.
Root Chakra-Red
The first chakra which represents our roots, our foundation, and our stability. This particular chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with survival. Physically, this chakra is associated with weight problems, eating disorders, constipation, sciatica, arthritis and knee problems.
Sacral Chakra- Orange
The second chakra or the sacral chakra represents our sexual drive and our creative endeavors. It also governs our abilities to accept new relationships or situations into our life. It is located about two inches below the navel and also governs our sense of pleasure, enjoyment, abundance, and sexuality. Physical associations are made with impotence, frigidity, urinary tract issues, and lower back pain.
Solar Plexus-Yellow
The third chakra or solar plexus governs our confidence, thoughts, feelings and our ability to be in control of our lives. It is located in the upper abdomen and is typically associated with our self-confidence, self-esteem, positive mental attitudes, and thoughts, as well as our self-worth. Physical associations can be made with stomach problems, diabetes, digestive issues and muscular problems.
The fourth chakra or heart chakra is associated with love, relationships, forgiveness, devotion, generosity. Located in the center of the chest, the heart chakra is associated with high blood pressure, respiratory problems, heart and lung problems, and feeling broken down.
The fifth chakra or the throat chakra is associated with our ability to communicate properly. Its physical associations are with the thyroid, lungs, vocal cords, shoulders, neck arms and hands. The throat chakra often governs our expression of thoughts and feelings. When this chakra is out of whack it can cause a multitude of problems including colds, thyroid issues, hearing problems, sore throats and speech problems.
Third Eye-Indigo
The sixth chakra or the third eye is associated with our pineal gland and our psychic intuition. It is located between our two physical eyes. The third eye governs the spiritual realm and the quest that continues throughout our lives for some type of meaning. If this chakra malfunctions, it can cause blindness, headaches, nightmares, eye strain and difficulty getting in touch with your instinctive side.
Crown- White
The 7th chakra, or the crown chakra, lies at the top of the head. This particular chakra is usually associated with our connection to the divine, higher intelligence, living our truth, and our willingness to surrender. If it malfunctions it can cause depression, alienation, confusion, boredom, apathy, feeling disconnected or disjointed.
With all of that being said, it is important to keep our chakras balanced and in proper shape. If so, a healthy chakra system would ensue leading to:
- Good, overall, general health
- A basic sense of security
- Balanced sexuality
- Balanced, healthy, relationships
- The Ability to communicate and express oneself in a productive manner
- A sense of meaning in life
Balancing the Chakras
If you feel that any of your chakras could be out of balance, then you may need to do some maintenance. This can be done through a number of routes, with many promising effective results. Blocked chakras can cause immense problems within our system, however, these issues can be corrected if the chakras are balanced.
One of the most effective methods of balancing the chakras is with crystals.
Balancing the Chakras With Crystals
Gather 8 crystals with each corresponding to your chakras as well as a tourmaline of any color to ground you. You may also use other grounding stones. If you are unsure of which crystals correspond to which chakra, check out this guide by color.
- Crown- Clear stones or purple stones
- Third Eye- Deep blue or indigo
- Throat- Blue
- Heart- Green
- Solar Plexus- Yellow
- Sacral- Orange or Amber
- Root- Red or Black
Once you have chosen your stones, you will need to do the same as though you were meditating: shut off the lights, turn off your phone, and find a quiet, peaceful spot to escape to. Lie down on the floor, with crystals in hand. Lay them next to you. Now, assemble the crystals based on the chakra they correspond to.
Place the grounding stone between your feet.
Now, close your eyes and imagine the kundalini or life force energy flowing from your root chakra all the way to your crown chakra before it can exit, and then imagine it entering via the crown and flowing back down. Do you sense any blockages? As the energy flows, if you sense any strange feelings or sensations of a blockage then you will need to rid yourself of them. Imagine the color of the stone and the chakra. Now, imagine that color washing through the chakra and removing any blockages.
Now, flush your system by imagining the color of this chakra flowing through to your crown and then exiting.
Once you have completed the exercise, cleanse your stones by placing them in a bowl of sea salt. Then, recharge your stones by placing them under the moonlight overnight.
If after this exercise you continue to have problems with the blocked chakra, you may need to repeat the exercise the next day and the next. While it may take a few turns, it will be completely worth it in the long run.